Friday, July 17, 2009
Tom & Jerry With A Mental Five
The other day I heard some crazy, over-the-top, Harry-Met-Sally type, monkey-sex noises going on next door. I mean this was like a cartoon. Bumping and banging and crashing - in my head I imagined it like a Tom and Jerry cartoon where there is just a tornado of dust and limbs where lamps start crashing and suddenly a cat squeals.
But the main noise was a loud girl's voice, panting, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!"
Dude was hittin' it. I gave him a "Mental High Five!" to represent.
Then it ended and I went on with my life. Ok I giggled for a few hours with the wife and THEN went on with my life.
But the next morning, the most amazing thing happened - we both walked out of our apartments at exactly the same time.
I didn't know what to do! Do I ask her if she is ok because I heard some noises last night? Do I ask her if her lamp broke because it sounded expensive? Should I ask her not to pray so loudly?
But I just did what any mature individual would do - I followed her down the stairs giggling all the way to my car. As soon as I got into my car I called the wife to explain what happened - in my excited state all I could get out was:
"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!"
Her answer?
"That's what she said."
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