Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Today was a rough day.... Things started going wrong from the very onset. My alarm decided to not ring this morning and rather, just sit there idly staring at me while I dreamt about candy covered hot dogs being attacked by vampire doughnut holes. Hearing its laughs and snickers I awoke but it was too late, I would wind up being late for work. This annoyed me a little and got me thinking of other things that annoy me. Here are the first few that I thought of...

Grocery carts with that one bad wheel... so annoying...
Skinny bitches that complain about being sooo fat... I mean seriously wtf!
And Paris Hilton... dont think I need to say anything else

Thats all for now.... Im sure there will be more..... Read more ...

Crack Of Doom

This is a sad day for all of humanity, I have decided to begin posting my brain farts by blogging them here! So grab your young and the infirm elderly; shield them from my bloodcurdling thoughts because they are not for the faint of heart. I'd like to tell you what I'll likely be blogging about, but truth be told, I'm not sure my self yet. I'll be commenting on everything and anything that runs through my mind. They might not be well thought out or even complete thoughts, but they will be my thoughts.... So look out world....

P.S. If I link something, go there.... that's why I linked it.... Read more ...